Monday, September 24, 2012

Corporal Punishment

The Corporal Punishment is a punishment where they allows teachers to spank their own students as punishment. I think that this is outrageously unfair and in no was should be legal in any schools of the United States. As a class we have came up with some pros for this policy, but I still do not agree this is the way things should be handled. i believe their are alternatives to disciplining children without using any source of violence. it is to be believed that kids won't make the same mistake, and that it teaches discipline but in reality it will only teach the student to be afraid of their teachers whom are suppose to be a safe adult for them to go to on campus. I believe this brakes the trust between a student and teacher if they allow spanking to be and, okay thing to do. It is true that parents are able to agree or disagree to having their children spanked at school but that does not seem fair if one child is being disciplined harsher compared to another student. I believe that the cons to this policy is teachers may take this opportunity to abuse their power as the disciplinary and may seriously hurt a child. Also, sexual harassment may lead to this. In the article we have read it says that a young girl who had mouthed off to her vice principal was swatted and was observed by a male police officer. This entire system just seems so wrong and unnatural for me especially since we live in such a modern day. Swatting a child at school is so old school. This punishment could also scar the students for ever leaving them with permanent damage on their self esteem and could even leave to them swatting at their own children.
 i believe that this policy should be banned from all schools in the states and not be an option in any case. I also would like to note that this may lead a child to public humiliations by their own peers. They would forevermore be teased, bullied and possibly even more abused for being one to be swatted by a teacher.

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